Rinjani Climbing Agency
Cheerful Trekker is Free of Rigid and 
Polution World
Day 0 "Meeting (On Arrival)"
# General attention to all trekker participants please you have to come the day before trekking start and spend the night in senaru untill you feel fresh and not get delays.   
Noted :  coming and start trekking at same day litle bit risk about something you forget and ofcourse feel rush, however you could do it if don't have much time in your travel list.   
Day 01 Estimate Trekking Time 7 Hours + 2 Hours Lunch Break  

Target : Senaru village (601m) - Sembalun village (1, 156m) - ( sembalun crater rim II (2639m)   

First day after an early breakfast 06:30 at your accomodation we will drive you to registration at national geopark office in sembalun. Trekking start at open grassland of sembalun valley and continues for short time through rain forest where you can see some macaques curious about the strangers passing their homeland. A few short break and lunch break strenghten you for the trek through the savanah and the step part up Mt.Rinjani crater with wide views over the sembalun crater rim where your porters already build up your camp site after around 7 hours. Enjoy your well-deserved and freshly cooked dinner there while watching sunset over Mt.Rinjani. prepare and strengthen your self for the upcoming and very Challenging hike to summit after a short night.   
Day 02 Estimate Trekking 10 Hours  

Target :  Mt. Rinjani summit (3726m) - Segare anak lake (2000m) + hot spring  

You will get up at 02:30am having small pre-breakfast, all of you equipped with flashlight your guide will lead you during 3 hours climb summit. three steps up and two steps down again.annoyed and sleepy will wish to be back in bed again but that is out of question, stay patient and strong - you will make it! Your guide will be there to motivate to help you wherever he can. once you have reached the top of Mt.Rinjani take your time to feel the inner satisfaction and pride while watching the sunrise over Mt.Rinjani's countryside. Take as many pictures as you can - in short, just enjoy it!    

The way back to the camp site where you will have breakfast takes around 2 hours.  another 2,5 hours hike down into the crater leads you to lake segara anak with a view on the new volcano mt.baru jari and bathing in the hot springs. Your porter will build up the second camp site directly at the lake and serve you with lunch, snacks and dinner.      
Day 03 Estimate Trekking  6 Hours + 1 Hour Lunch Break

Target :  Segara anak lake (2000m) - Pos 1 Torean (Birisan nangka/camp site (1075 masl)   

Description : 
Start walking down to savanna hills, passing cikararat hot spring which is believed by local community as a cure for various skin diseases. continue down to (jurang kuda kurus) be ware this path is a bit narrow and slippery, 08:40am you arrive at post 3 (kali propok 1600m) take a break for about 10-15 minutes. After break continue the journey to Coplo Julat area where the track is fairly flat, cross the white river and around 10:00 am it starts to climb up and down the Jurassic Park hills which is very extreme, slippery and tiring but it pays off with a very beautiful view and feels like being in Another World. 11.30am arrive at the penimbung waterfall view point, take a break for lunch about 1 and a half hours while waiting for your porter to cook a fresh lunch. after lunch and having a long break you continue walking through the door of the tropical rain forest torean here you can see  animals such as Macaque, black ebony leaf monkey and various bird species as a variety of tropical plants like rattan trees, orchids and pandanus trees. 01:45 arrive at pos 2 ( batu besar 1204 m ) another 1 hours you will arrive pos 1( Birisan nangka 1075 masl ) where you will find the third camp site spend night, relax dinner.       
Day 04 Estimate Descend Time 2,5 Hours + 2 Hour Lunch Break  

Target : ​ Pos 1 Birisan nangka - Torean village/Torean base camp (585 masl)